KLINGE associates introduction- Interim Executives & Strategic Advisers for Revenue Growth

KLINGE associates serve as interim executives and strategic advisers for revenue growth. You can learn on this site about what we do, clients we work with, and ideas we offer businesses to accelerate their growth.

Revenue is the typical symptom (s) we address in engaging small to mid size companies. For example, sales and profitability are flat, declining or not meeting owner expectations; or equally challenging, revenue is growing rapidly and outstripping the company’s ability to handle the business. What follows are boom & bust, feast and famine cycles.

While revenue is the symptom, there are many underlying issues to uncover that are the true impediments to sustainable and predictable revenue growth. These might include lack of alignment between ownership-management and the sales organization; lack of clarity in the business value proposition-solution for client; confusion about who the ideal customer is; and lack of repeatable steps in the sales process to establish metrics and individual and group accountability for performance.

I and my team bring an experienced leader’s perspective on how to achieve growth. By balancing Vision & Pragmatism with alignment of people in Leadership and Teamwork, big ideas are created to spur growth.

We started the firm with the mission to help small to mid-size companies achieve their desired growth potential. We typically work with founder led or family owned and operated companies. The needs are distinctive for each company’s personality and culture. However, much of the time there are common issues we work together to address: revenue generation, a business event, international development and global branding.

We’re an executive resource with functional competencies that include organizational alignment, marketing, sales management, and business development. Through interim executive, project and board advisory roles, we develop and execute on an operating plan to guide the organization.  

Prior to KLINGE associates, Peter Klinge held leadership positions in public and private companies in divisional and worldwide roles with general management responsibility for revenue generation, profit & loss, product and service marketing, and organizational development. He was exposed to all kinds of business challenges in various industries, and learned from leaders of the world’s largest companies. He’s had opportunities to build great teams, and launch wonderful businesses.

Through his career he built a significant network of valued relationships in finance, sales, law, and other business areas necessary to a company’s growth.  These associates are important introductions to a company’s development, and are available via KLINGE associates as needed.

Browse this site and you’ll find information on clients, and how we help companies. The blog publishes growth ideas you can use.

Connect with us to see how your business can achieve the next stage of growth to accelerate your business forward.


Peter Klinge, Jr.

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