Business succession planning is an important thing. When it comes to Provo business succession planning, you should be thinking of Klinge Associates.
Most businesses in Provo that are going through change, especially those which are family owned and operated, find that they need help.
Most commonly this help comes when one or many of the current leaders is preparing to retire, has passed away, or is incapacitated due to health or other issues.
In these times, when it is necessary to ensure consistency and prevent disruption, having help with your business succession planning is important.
Finding the right people, whether younger family members or faithful employees, takes attention to details and a clear perspective that is unbiased.
Developing and training these younger leaders is a way to develop talent pool management that allows a company to not just survive, but thrive.
Klinge Associates provides succession and transition consulting for businesses of any size.
We work to help a business develop their bench strength so they have great leaders on-deck and ready for changes now and in the future.
Business succession consulting in Provo Utah is important when it’s necessary to find the right people with the understanding, knowledge, skill set, and desire for more responsibility.
Klinge Associates partners with your company to become your Provo business succession planning coordinators.
Klinge Associates Business Succession Planning in Provo Utah
What exactly is succession planning? Let’s start by explaining how we do it.
- Our consultants analyze your company to figure out who the best potential fits are for the positions experiencing change.
- We help you assess who has the greatest potential and the strongest desire to further themselves and the company.
- Together we develop a process to evaluate and train the candidates, involving leadership from the company.
- We help your company prepare a plan for the rollout of the new leadership and assist in the transition so your company supports the changes.
- We help you establish a plan that will carry your business past the transition and successfully into the future.
All of this is important because as you can imagine, transition in a business is a trying time. It can make or break a company.
Approaching the transition and succession period without a plan is foolish. With our help, you can not only develop a plan, but have the guidance of those who have done it before.
There are a lot of emotional aspects about a businesses changes that can impair progress.
Allowing emotions to cause confusion and disagreement is one of the fastest ways to lose control and fail.
We won’t let that happen.
We bring a clear and unbiased approach, with sound logic and an open mindset.
Our consulting is done as a trusted partnership which allows your Provo succession planning to break through barriers and overcome obstacles.
Succession management is important. We know you can’t afford to do it wrong. Let Klinge Associates help you with your company’s various business consulting needs.
Whether that need is business succession and transition consulting, interim sales management, executive advisory, or revenue growth strategy, we can help.
Say hello to us by email at
or you can call us by phone at 801-755-6820