Philosophy and Approach

Klinge Associates is a business coaching company with experience that has helped develop our philosophy and approach to how we can help your business grow.

We can organize a plan for your business and deliver on that plan as strategic advisors and trustworthy executive consultants.

Our hard won business experience includes both great success as well as educational missteps, which has helped us understand common truths about business process improvement.

We understand that though companies have different cultures, and industries may vary, people are relatively consistent, and they prove to be the essence of success.

It is the people and how they are led that affords an organization the opportunity to create Big, Breakout Ideas.

Coaching Businesses through challenges - Klinge Associates

What Does That Mean For You?

Organizing people around a plan for execution that can guide and hold the team accountable for performance is at the heart of our approach.

This is achieved by the balance and intersection of two paradigms:

  • Vision/Mission with Pragmatism> Strategy and Tactics Linked to Action
  • Leadership with Teamwork> People and Culture Linked to Productive Change

The way this tends to play out is often seen in the following type of example;

We tend to find in our operating role as interim executives such as CEO, CMO, or CSO, that without practical steps to achieve milestones along the vision path, there is in fact NO sustainable business.


All too often, dominant leadership lacking the balance to empower and engage teams in ways that permit the team to be the stars, will fail over time.

This is because teams that do not rise as the starts fail to execute, often suffering higher turnover and general feelings of dissatisfaction.

Our Solution?

We begin each engagement with a business and revenue review.

This review helps the management team separate and organize priorities – from the most immediate and urgent, to those that are more medium to long term.

Recommended action items are then developed in agreement with management, that directs what work needs to be done in the first few months.

As people are always the key, emphasis is on aligning the right people with the strategy and resources to properly execute and achieve these goals.

It is our goal that your company achieve higher levels of revenue growth, success, and employee satisfaction then ever before.

Next Steps?

To learn more about how we approach this you can read about understanding the company’s core purpose as a starting point.

We believe that vision without a measured plan leads down many roads but no clear destination.

Former IBM Chairman, CEO Lou Gerstner upon beginning his IBM tenure in the early ‘90s famously quipped “The last thing IBM needs is more vision.” He went on to lead a historic turnaround of a badly performing IBM by taking quick measure and execution of necessary change steps, putting the right people in place, and then holding them accountable for results.


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