Salt Lake Strategic Advisors

As trusted Salt Lake strategic advisors, we regularly help businesses as revenue growth advisers and interim executive consultants.

Whether we are taking an active role in your business, or an advisory role, we want to help your company accomplish more than it has in the past.

A good Utah strategic advisor is someone who can offer insights, direction, and ideas that your team can execute on.

Our consultative advisory board members are able to help your company see things differently.

That is in large part because we have spent so much time working with so many different succesfull companies.

As Peter Klinge has assisted brands such as Nestle, Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, Warner Brothers, and Unilever, his knowledge has grown.

That knowledge is now transferable to your team as our strategic advisors in Salt Lake City share ideas and strategies that have helped the biggest companies thrive.

Because we know how to fill the role of revenue growth strategic advisors, we can help your company with sales and profitability, revenue growth, and change management.

We can identify issues such as lack of clarity in value proposition, lack of alignment between ownership and management, and lack of sound procedures.

We can give an unbiased and honest opinion because we are not emotionally attached to the current business efforts.

That allows us the ability to sit with your front-line managers as well as your advisory board to provide consultation, coaching, and clear direction.

Where Do We Affect The Greatest Change?

Because we typically spend our time working with companies that are founder led or family owned and operated, we know the common issues that need to be addressed.

As we step in to a project and board advisory role, we can help you to execute on strategies and plans that will enhance your organization.

Our Salt Lake strategic advisors are skilled in fixing issues such as revenue generation, business development, branding, and sales.

Our experienced strategic advisory board members have held leadership positions in private and public companies, both large and small.

This has earned us the experience and knowledge of insights on what works best, which we can then share with your team.

In its simplest form, our strategic advisors in Salt Lake City help your business focus on the right things, with clear direction, and a plan for strategic implementation.

To begin your business improvement with our Salt Lake strategic advisors, call 801-755-6820 or email