Critical Business Trends the Stock Market is Showing Us… Even IF we don’t Invest

The stock market or capital markets (banks, finance companies) at times show indications of where business and economic trends are heading. They make investments, some say bets, in types of businesses they believe will provide a good return on their … Continue reading

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Technology Lament- What companies make us do to upgrade…

The clash of the tech ecosystems is leaving me lamenting the changes wrought by the emergence of multiple technology platforms. Like the Titans movies there are powerful forces at work: Google, Apple, Microsoft competing for consumer and business users alike. … Continue reading

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Greatest Business Rivalries & Why They Are Important to Innovation…

By Peter Klinge, Jr. Greatest Business Rivalries & Why They are Important to Innovation… Inspired by the March, 2013 Fortune story here’s why competitive rivalries are important. Focus the mission of the organization on the highest priorities; Highlight weaknesses and … Continue reading

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