Small Goes Big with the Right Product Idea… Be Intrapreneurial

By Peter Klinge, Jr. The right product idea(s) can transform any company, even in a mature one, into new exciting directions and possibilities. To be intrapreneurial is to reinvent and leverage your own ideas and to align an organization’s people … Continue reading

Posted in Brand Marketing, Client Case Studies, Consumer Marketing, Critical Thinking, Decision making, Management Leadership, Retail | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Critical Business Trends the Stock Market is Showing Us… Even IF we don’t Invest

The stock market or capital markets (banks, finance companies) at times show indications of where business and economic trends are heading. They make investments, some say bets, in types of businesses they believe will provide a good return on their … Continue reading

Posted in CEO and C-suite, Critical Thinking, Decision making, Global Business, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Can’t People Get Along?

People getting along and aligned to execute against business objectives is key to a successful enterprise. Today we have technology that enable information systems and modes of communication that make it easier for people in organizations to link, even remotely. … Continue reading

Posted in CEO and C-suite, Critical Thinking, Family business, Generational Succession, Interpersonal | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

How to extend a Brand into new outlets…

Extending a brand into new outlets is highly rewarding but also fraught with challenges and potential disaster. This post is about how to extend a brand successfully. Fortune wrote a story about Starbucks’ Grocery Gambit in December. Not too many … Continue reading

Posted in Advertising, Brand Marketing, Client Case Studies, Consumer Marketing, Critical Questions, Critical Thinking, Decision making, Retail, Sales Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How to Collaborate with Rivals

How to Collaborate with Rivals is one of the greatest of challenges for any of us with an ounce of ego, by Peter Klinge, Jr. I finished reading Team of Rivals the Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln from Doris Kearns … Continue reading

Posted in CEO and C-suite, Management Leadership, Team Organizational Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Take Action on Lean In- Here’s what Sheryl Sandberg should do…

Peter Klinge, Jr. Take Action on Lean In… Here’s What Sheryl Sandberg should do. A review on Ms. Sandberg’s book and what we need to think about. Thoughts on what she should do. I commend Ms. Sandberg’s courage with her … Continue reading

Posted in CEO and C-suite, Client Case Studies, Global Business, Management Leadership, Social Media, Team Organizational Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Greatest Business Rivalries & Why They Are Important to Innovation…

By Peter Klinge, Jr. Greatest Business Rivalries & Why They are Important to Innovation… Inspired by the March, 2013 Fortune story here’s why competitive rivalries are important. Focus the mission of the organization on the highest priorities; Highlight weaknesses and … Continue reading

Posted in Brand Marketing, CEO and C-suite, Client Case Studies, Management Leadership, Team Organizational Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why is the Sky Blue? Critical Questions that Lead to Better Decisions… Here’s how…

Why is the sky blue? Critical Questions lead to Better Decisions- here’s how to ask them… Remember the Why is the Sky Blue question?  A common childhood question. There are books on Why to help teach and explain to us … Continue reading

Posted in CEO and C-suite, communications, Critical Questions, Critical Thinking, Decision making, Management Leadership, Team Organizational Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment