The Greatness of the Valiant Heart- Seabiscuit and Humanity

Over the recent holiday break our family enjoyed viewing and reading the story of Seabiscuit. The subject book by Laura Hillenbrand is an inspiring story with its central character being an underestimated, troublesome, feisty, and unappreciated horse. The main characters … Continue reading

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Purpose and Profit: Conscious Capitalism

After a previous LI post I published, Why Whole Foods is in a Pickle, I learned about Whole Foods interest in Conscious Capitalism. Most business people I’ve ever worked with or for are fairly conscious of balancing the welfare of … Continue reading

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Why Whole Foods is in a Pickle

Why Whole Foods is in a Pickle… Whole Foods finds itself in a situation common to businesses across wide ranging categories. The dilemma or pickle for Whole Foods in grocery speak isn’t unusual for large companies. Category leaders as they … Continue reading

Posted in Brand Marketing, CEO and C-suite, Client Case Studies, Consumer Marketing, Critical Thinking, Retail, Sales Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Intel Brand Platform Extends Technology Leadership

The Intel Brand platform extends the technology leadership for the company in a way that the technology alone can not. Intel cleverly introduced Intel Inside in the early 90’s as a differentiating communications and co-marketing program. This effectively promoted Intel’s … Continue reading

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Greatest Business Rivalries & Why They Are Important to Innovation…

By Peter Klinge, Jr. Greatest Business Rivalries & Why They are Important to Innovation… Inspired by the March, 2013 Fortune story here’s why competitive rivalries are important. Focus the mission of the organization on the highest priorities; Highlight weaknesses and … Continue reading

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Effective Leaders Know Communication- the GM story- Here’s How to Do Better

Effective Leaders Know How to Tell a Good Story- GM could not. Here’s How to be a Better Leader Through Communication Skills Reading a Fortune review of Ed Whitacre’s new book, American Turnaround, I was intrigued by the story of … Continue reading

Posted in CEO and C-suite, Client Case Studies, communications, Global Business, Management Leadership, Team Organizational Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What 6 things Small Business Fears Most…?

6 Things Small Business Fears Most Keeping employees motivated and satisfied: Man, if you’re a business owner you might think people should just be happy to have the job your company affords in this uncertain economy. Well, I hear the point… … Continue reading

Posted in CEO and C-suite, Global Business, Interpersonal, Management Leadership, Team Organizational Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Do You Still Read? Holiday Reading List Review…

Have you heard that people don’t read much beyond what they snack on digitally with various feeds on their smart phone? I don’t have the readership facts on hand. It appears difficult to find time to read thoughtfully and critically. … Continue reading

Posted in Biography, CEO and C-suite, Global Business, Interpersonal, Management Leadership, Team Organizational Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Business Warfare: Mass, Superiority, Economy, Initiative, Simplicity

A dear friend and long time associate Brad Majors and I love history. We often talked about military history and the inevitable comparisons to sport, and the game of business. Warfare is an unfortunate part of human history. Nonetheless, when … Continue reading

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6 steps to International? Experience and history is informative…

By Peter Klinge, Jr. To help you understand the context for these 6 listed below let’s share perspective on what we can expect in the world. Let’s start with what we know….In a global economy any company is exposed to … Continue reading

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